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Product overview

OPERA-EMR of Gauss is exclusive outpatient medical records for ophthalmology. It fits ophthalmic diagnosis and treatment procedures and ophthalmology records written habits totally and realizes outpatient paperless diagnosis and treatment to improve quality of medical records and normalization. It helps strengthen patient follow-up and disease progression monitoring and 

Product features

Product parameter

base hospital

Copyright:北京云柿信息技术有限公司     京ICP安备 11010502008968 京ICP备10214630

About OPERA_云柿信息

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Outpatient process optimization solutions, process optimization, improve clinical efficiency of 50%, the standard of diagnosis and treatment, improve the medical quality, scientific research, management and comprehensive utilization of large data integration, clinical integration of clinical research, clinical management

Copyright:北京云柿信息技术有限公司     京ICP安备 11010502008968 京ICP备10214630